Chapter 83
Sofia and Dr. Paul have a long, uncomfortable talk.
Chapter 84
Brisbane's friend's and Kimberly's enemies plan a little something.
Chapter 85
You are invited to the wedding of Brisbane Adams and Kimberly Taylor.
Chapter 86
Kimberly's parents give it a go once again and it's just like old times.
Chapter 87
Life settles down after the wedding... for the most part
Chapter 88
So what did happen to Sofia after the wedding...?
Chapter 89
Just who is Emily dating now...?
Chapter 90
Kimberly gets a letter from her grandfather that causes a shift in power.
Chapter 91
Sofia adopts again!
Chapter 92
Something is very wrong in the Taylor-Adams household...
Chapter 93
Brisbane and Kimberly get married... again.
Chapter 94
Sofia and Patrick go out on a date.
Chapter 95
Brisbane stands up for the little man.
Chapter 96
While Ms Taylor is away, the children will rule.
Chapter 97
So just what happened to Ms Taylor...?
Chapter 98
Brisbane and Kimberly attempt to have a Thanksgiving on no time.
Chapter 99
Jane's new friend seems awfully familiar to Jake.
Chapter 100
Brisbane and Kimberly have no idea what to get anyone this year.
Chapter 101
It's that time of year... again.
Chapter 102
Robert has more than computer problems.