Monday, October 16th 2006 - [698]Business as Usual (13 of 24)
Ms. Taylor
Mr. Taylor

Original Commentary

This comic takes place somewhere between panels 2 and 3 of today's comic and is more or less another view of what Kimberly was glancing at from the corner of her eye during her conversation with Dan and Brisbane. -Terrence

Modern Commentary
Everybody involved knows he wants more than to just talk...

The stage directions in the second panel are "(He's trying to hold her hand, she tries to take it away)" - Terrence

Tuesday, October 17th 2006 - [699]Business as Usual (14 of 24)
Mr. Taylor
Ms. Taylor

Original Commentary

Terrence and I have this joke going about making an animated gif of the last panel... I'll let your imaginations figure out of what. XD

But, seriously... I had a small conversation with Terrence about Mr. Taylor today... mainly about what role he had in Lemon Tech back in the days he worked there. Mr. Taylor was Vice President when his father (Kimberly's grandfather) was President. Shortly after the divorce, Mr. Taylor left the company to start his own. When Kimberly's grandfather retired, Ms. Taylor became the new president - Isabel

Modern Commentary
Mr. Taylor is rather forward, isn't he? That was Isabel's idea. I'm glad she did. I probably would have spent a lot more time implying things and hinting. But these two know each other very well - Terrence

Wednesday, October 18th 2006 - [700]Business as Usual (15 of 24)
Mr. Taylor
Ms. Taylor

Original Commentary

In the last panel, Ms. Taylor is trying to speak but laughing too hard to do so. I asked Isabel, just to be sure the L's didn't get left out of "heelllpp".

And she has remarkably firm ears, doesn't she? - Terrence

Modern Commentary
They have a history. A long, messy, complicated history. But I'm pretty sure he's doing this because he wants to prove he can still get her to break character.

If she had started off flirting with him, I'm not sure he would have been so forward. - Terrence

Thursday, October 19th 2006 - [701]Business as Usual (16 of 24)
Mr. Taylor
Ms. Taylor

Original Commentary

The "lost a few inches in height" is in reference to this comic. Miz Taylor was about two or so inches taller in that photo and more than likely lost those inches to osteoporosis or just plain slumping. Eh, I'd go with the first, myself. I had originally planted this line as a way to cover up that photo (that line was written months in advance of the actual comic, including the actual writing of this story line). -Isabel

Modern Commentary
Yeah, Constance is picking that fight, pretty much all on her own- Terrence

Friday, October 20th 2006 - [702]Business as Usual (17 of 24)
Mr. Taylor
Ms. Taylor

Original Commentary

Complex, aren't they? - Terrence

Modern Commentary
The opposite of love isn't hate. It's indifference. These two have got no indifference in them - Terrence

Sunday, October 22nd 2006 - [703]Business as Usual (18 of 24)
Ms. Taylor
Mr. Taylor

Original Commentary

...Yes, another no speech comic- don't really need it when you had the kind of night they did.

I tried to give a few physical hints of it (the really small room, horrible decors, putrid wallpaper and the AC/Heater in the last panel), but they are staying at Mr. Taylor's place... or rather, Mr. Taylor's hotel room. We still don't know for sure just where he is calling home. -Isabel

Modern Commentary
Yeah, they're in his hotel room because I don't think Ms. Taylor would invite Mr. Taylor over. Might be difficult to get him to move back out if he brings his stuff over - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.