Monday, October 2nd 2006 - [686]Business as Usual (1 of 24)
Original Commentary
I like it when the characters are naked - Brisbane is so much easier to color without his glasses. But rest assured that they'll have clothes on before the end of this arc. Maybe not at the end of this arc. But before the end of it
This comic and the previous were put in because the previous arc ended on a Friday. We originally had them going straight to work, but it was Saturday - Terrence and Isabel
Modern Commentary
Brisbane and Kimberly make up for lost time!
Yet another minor edit while re-lettering. So that line in the first panel originally was Brisbane's. I like the idea of Brisbane realizing it's Monday in the second panel but I think this comic got edited a bit too much - Terrence  Tuesday, October 3rd 2006 - [687]Business as Usual (2 of 24)
Original Commentary
The girls of ND, when you see them in lingerie, they wear underwear. The women of You Say it First wear slips. Make of that what you will. I know I've had moments like that where I'm like "OMFG! Where's this really important thing!" Usually they invovle money too. But not quite as large an amount - Isabel Modern Commentary
I think that this is the first iteration of a recurring gag where Brisbane and Kimberly are really bad at grocery shopping and never have enough ingredients to actually make a meal out of - Terrence  Wednesday, October 4th 2006 - [688]Business as Usual (3 of 24)
Original Commentary
Kimberly dragging Brisbane by the tie/ascot is a symbolic gesture I know we've used more than once in the past, dating back from the Unlike Minerva days. It's something she should really consider doing more often - Isabel
Modern Commentary
I mean, Brisbane reached a greater understanding of himself. He moved past his insecurities. He sees himself as an adult who is worthy of loving and being loved. He's accepted that Kimberly actually likes him.
Also, he got laid, which was nice - Terrence  Thursday, October 5th 2006 - [689]Business as Usual (4 of 24)
Original Commentary
For those of you who may say Brisbane is being a bit overly... affectionate (those of you playing at home can substitute that word for any of your own choosing), don't forget that Brisbane has had quite a few years of... affection, stored up, of course he's going to take every moment he can (especially for a little PDA action).
The background used for today's comic was made strictly for this comic, but I have it stored for another day (and in case you cannot tell, that building is the one across the street from the building Kimberly works at, not the Lemon Tech. office). -Isabel Modern Commentary
The "five bucks" is the additional fare that's rung up while they make out. Not the cost of the whole taxi ride. You're not getting a ride anywhere for five dollars, not even in 2006 money.
We haven't been strict about how far they lived from Lemon Technology. They generally take the bus but I'm pretty sure they've walked home a couple times - Terrence  Friday, October 6th 2006 - [690]Business as Usual (5 of 24)
Original Commentary
When Terrence first read this comic he turned to me and said, "Yeah, that sounds like something [not opening the door despite having a key and waiting out there purely on the principal of the issue] they would do.". I see Richard and Sinclair as being brilliant, but very eccentric and creative (after all, they alone with Kimberly do all the marketing for Lemon Tec. The brothers come up with these wild ideas and I'm sure it's Kimberly's job to be the logical one and weed out the ones that are a bit too off to use. Personally I think the three of them make a great team. -Isabel
Modern Commentary
No matter how much everything else in Kimberly's life has changed - her father is back, her boyfriend feels secure enough to have sex, she's a co-owner of the company - these two goofballs are pretty much the same as they've always been
- Terrence  Sunday, October 8th 2006 - [691]Business as Usual (6 of 24)
Original Commentary
The first panel is dedicated to John, for reasons that will be obvious to him - Isabel
Does each floor have a manager? No, probably not. It was the best that unnamed guy could come up with at the time. How many floors does Lemon Technology have? Good question. Not too many more. Do they even know that Brisbane is a shareholder, or is he just carrying himself differently? Good question. He's still delivering mail, and making coffee and copies - Terrence Modern Commentary
I'm pretty sure that's John's character Pippy in the first panel there. We could have done more background cameos and I kinda wish we had. Could have had a variety of office workers in the background doing things. But when you choose one person, someone else gets left out and that can be a hassle sometimes.
- Terrence