Monday, December 12th 2005 - [470]Looking forward to the New Year (7 of 48)
Original Commentary
Jake should realize that Silver_Blossom isn't new. You have to be at least level 60 to wear the Red Cross Blouse. And you have to be at least level 50 to do the party quest. But he thinks that "female character" means "needs help". And he either thinks that "female character" means "female player" or he doesn't care. Isabel and I both think it's the latter - Terrence Modern Commentary
Fun FBAO fact: the Red Cross Blouse was decent gear back then. A few years later, when newer gear was released, it got less popular. But now it's removed entirely because the actual Red Cross threatened to sue them.
There's rumours that a few people managed to hold on to them. If anyone did have one, it'd be worth a lot of in-game money.
Joy is, indeed, talking about Cornelius. They never did get together. I wonder if we have any Joy/Cornelius shippers out there. - Terrence  Tuesday, December 13th 2005 - [471]Looking forward to the New Year (8 of 48)
Original Commentary
Yes, the sign says "Your level must be at least this tall to PQ". Joy's ears are, apparently, high enough level to do the party quest. It'd be cool if there were a game where your level determined how big your character was, like in those medieval allegorical paintings where person's height was determined by how important they were than how tall they were. Ah, pre-perspective art. But someone should design a game that does that - Terrence Modern Commentary
In Final Battle Adventure Online, new characters look like nine-year-old children. Then as you level up, your character becomes an adult.
One of the things MapleStory had was non-instanced content. If you wanted to run one of the Party Quests (and you did want to, because it was the fastest way to get xp), you had to wait for the previous group to finish.
On one hand, it let people hang out and socialize. On the other hand, you might spend more time waiting to play than actually playing. - Terrence  Wednesday, December 14th 2005 - [472]Looking forward to the New Year (9 of 48)
Original Commentary
The original text in Joy's last line was "Why don't you go ask her?". I added "in person", just so nobody would think that Kimberly was in the game, you know. Joy doesn't know Kimberly or know where she is. It's advice on principal rather than personal knowledge - Terrence Modern Commentary
There are very few situations where your relationship can be improved by going no-contact for two weeks. But this is a difficult situation and facing difficult situations with courage isn't Brisbane's strong point.
Dude had the opportunity to have an adult relationship and he ran screaming from it, fully retreating into video games.
Much like the start of You Say it First, sometimes he has to be forced into the real world, kicking and screaming. - Terrence  Friday, December 16th 2005 - [473]Looking forward to the New Year (10 of 48)
Original Commentary
There are some times when you can write a week's worth of comics in one sitting, but commentary takes an hour each. I didn't write this comic, but my point stands. It's a good comic at taking you from point A (Robert's house) to point B (Kimberly's apartment), but there's not much else to tell about it - Terrence Modern Commentary
There's a bus ride and a decent walk between panels 1 and 2 there.
Kinda surprised he actually made it there and didn't turn back halfway through.- Terrence  Saturday, December 17th 2005 - [474]Looking forward to the New Year (11 of 48)
Original Commentary
There's nothing I can say that doesn't give away too much or overexplain the comic. It's a long sequence with a lot of moments that are just so. Sorry, folks - Terrence Modern Commentary
Never take relationship advice from the Lounge Guys. Dude is overstating what happened and Brisbane is too eager for an excuse to avoid talking to Kimberly here. There's any number of reasons why two people might leave together.
You don't just assume that your girlfriend (who you ghosted) is dating someone else unless you want to assume it. - Terrence  Sunday, December 18th 2005 - [475]Looking forward to the New Year (12 of 48)
Original Commentary
Why did he get his own place? To be free, to support himself. It's important to have your own place, even if it's a step down - Terrence Modern Commentary
Yeah, that place probably isn't legally habitable. If the building inspector asks, tell him that you got lost looking for a payphone. - Terrence