Monday, December 5th 2005 - [464]Looking forward to the New Year (1 of 48)
Original Commentary Hopefully tomorrow will bring more writing and an end to this arc, at least in TextPad. -Isabel Modern Commentary This used to be every day for Kimberly, back before Brisbane moved in and You Say it First started. She's not used to coming home to a quiet house any more... - Terrence Tuesday, December 6th 2005 - [465]Looking forward to the New Year (2 of 48)
Original Commentary Modern Commentary I'm pretty sure this is the only time that Kimberly reaches out to Emily in the comic. Emily got Kimberly that data entry job at the beginning of You Say it First, but that was offscreen and I'm not entirely sure who initiated that conversation. - Terrence Wednesday, December 7th 2005 - [466]Looking forward to the New Year (3 of 48)
Original Commentary Modern Commentary As you'll see, Emily is just saying what she needs to say to make this date happen. Kimberly hasn't worked there for, like, maybe eight months. She didn't really socialize with anyone there if she could help it. There probably aren't too many folks there who remember her. - Terrence Thursday, December 8th 2005 - [467]Looking forward to the New Year (4 of 48)
Original Commentary Modern Commentary Moreso, Brisbane would've eaten the eggplant parmesan whether he liked it or not. I'm not sure if Kimberly and Dirk are underdressed for this or if Emily and David are overdressed. Given that Emily was able to change up her reservation with two hours notice, it's probably the latter. Sometimes, you go to a fancy place. Sometimes you go to a place and make it fancy. - Terrence Friday, December 9th 2005 - [468]Looking forward to the New Year (5 of 48)
Original Commentary Of course, with Kimberly's mood, this might be her idea of dressing up. I know when I'm in a funk, anything beyond slippers and PJs is dressing up - Isabel Modern Commentary That and Emily knows that Kimberly needs more positivity in her life right now, so just try being positive... - Terrence Sunday, December 11th 2005 - [469]Looking forward to the New Year (6 of 48)
Original Commentary Modern Commentary Silver_Blossom is played by Joy from Namir Deiter. Joy plays Silver_Blossom on the Hippedown server and, less frequently, SilverBlossom (no underscore) on the Sherup server. The game has a few different regional servers with slightly different content. I don't think we ever said why Joy plays on the Hippedown servers. It's partly that she likes the region-exclusive areas, but mainly it came out a few months earlier in Hippedown so she just started playing it there. - Terrence |
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.