Monday, November 22nd 2004 - [148]Giving Thanks (1 of 6)

Original Commentary
Kimberly's situation is loosely based on Terrence's job situation in 2003... he didn't get Thanksgiving off either.

Modern Commentary
Right now, I'm in California. Anything past 8 hours a day or past 40 hours a week is overtime and you get 50% extra. Previously, I was in Florida and it was just anything after 40 hours a week. So the company I was working for had us working 14-hour days. It was 4-day weeks, but you only had enough time to eat and sleep after work and I was just zonked for the first day of my weekend.

Anyhow, the holidays I've worked were either really good or really bad. The good ones, management brings in food, the boss isn't there, and there's not much work to be done since everyone else is out. The bad ones, you've got twice the work and half the people to do it... - Terrence

Tuesday, November 23rd 2004 - [149]Giving Thanks (2 of 6)
Mr. Expendable

Original Commentary
Sometimes it pays to be unimportant enough not to be paid time and a half.

Modern Commentary
Unrelatedly, a while back, I mentioned that the bedrooms had their own keyed locks and how we had plans to do something with that but never actually paid it off.
One of the reasons for that is that time had passed. After a few months without being mentioned, that element was no longer "in play". We didn't have any reason for Brisbane or Kimberly or Lola to bring it up again and it seemed unfashionable for us to begin a story with "Remember that thing we mentioned in passing, several months ago".
Is it odd that we're bringing it up this much later? Imagine if we instead brought it up again, in-comic, a few months later than this.- Terrence

Wednesday, November 24th 2004 - [150]Giving Thanks (3 of 6)
Brisbane Adams: Crossdresser?
Great Book

Original Commentary
Well, at the least he's trying...

Modern Commentary
The cookbook is called "How to cook the Thanksgiving dinner your mom never made" which is a really good title. My mom cooked amazing Thanksgiving dinners and I'd still buy it. I didn't pay much attention.
I take back everything I've said about Brisbane being a good cook, though. I guess those skills get developed later in the series. - Terrence

Thursday, November 25th 2004 - [151]Giving Thanks (4 of 6)
Surprise Ruined

Original Commentary
The same kind of thing happened with Terrence and myself back in 2003 as well... only I didn't bother trying to make him dinner.

Modern Commentary
It's nice to go home early. Yes, you're out a few hours pay. Yes, you spent your time getting ready for work and traveling there, and it's not like gas or bus fare is cheaper when you work a half-day. But still, extra time at home is nice. Especially on a holiday.
Oh, yeah - bus fare. Emily has been there more than a year. She isn't on probation and got today off, which is just as well. Can't count on the boss to let them both out at the same time and Emily would've either left without Kimberly or insisted on joining them for dinner.- Terrence

Friday, November 26th 2004 - [152]Giving Thanks (5 of 6)
Chen's Chinese Citchen

Original Commentary
Relationships are all about compromise. As are Holidays.

Modern Commentary
This is why you communicate with your partner. "Surprises" are nice, sometimes, but if you're planning anything like this, you need to let people know.
If we were doing this now, we'd need to explain why Kimberly didn't call Brisbane to let him know she was coming home early. In 2004, she just didn't have a cellphone.
Is the turkey still in the oven while they're out? Probably. I'm too nervous to leave food cooking while we go out. Even if it's a slow-cooker or a bake-for-four-hours frozen turkey, I'm afraid of things catching fire if left unattended too long.- Terrence

Sunday, November 28th 2004 - [153]Giving Thanks (6 of 6)
Lounge Guys
Silver Lining.

Modern Commentary
Being a household of two, we tend to get tired of leftovers before we run out of them. Or they go bad before we finish eating them.
So...where were they taking the TV? To the roof so they could watch it up there? On a walk? To one of their apartments? No idea. But the important point is that they're a package deal and they're all weirdos.

But yeah, that look that Kimberly is giving Brisbane in panel 4 there. She's friendly with Lola but wouldn't just invite her in for dinner. Brisbane, well, he's got food that needs sharing and here are some guests- Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.