Monday, May 21st 2007 - [862]Congratulations (1 of 7)
Original Commentary
Does Brisbane care what the invitations look like? No. Of course not. Why does Kimberly even bother asking Brisbane? Because it's their wedding. Not that she wouldn't overrule him on the details if she had to - Terrence Modern Commentary
I'm sure Brisbane would be happy with either option as long as it was on Kimberly
- Terrence Wednesday, May 23rd 2007 - [863]Congratulations (2 of 7)
Original Commentary
Emily asks all these questions as if she were invited.... - Terrence Modern Commentary
Sofia's last line was originally "Get out of my apartment, Emily". This definitely punches it up.
Sofia wasn't just hanging out with Emily and decided to brush her teeth. Apparently Sofia needs to be better about locking her door
- Terrence Friday, May 25th 2007 - [864]Congratulations (3 of 7)
Original Commentary
So, Mr. and Ms. Taylor's relationship, Kimberly doesn't know that they're seeing each other. Does Mr. Taylor have a girlfriend? That's a good question. It's not going to be answered here, though - Terrence Modern Commentary
Are Mr. or Ms. Taylor seeing anybody else? I mean, they're not not seeing other people.
Dude probably knows a few people who would be glad to be a plus-one to his daughter's wedding, but I don't think he has anybody serious enough that they'd be upset if they weren't a plus-one at his daughter's wedding.
Ms. Taylor doesn't count; she has her own invite
- Terrence