Monday, December 19th 2005 - [476]Looking forward to the New Year (13 of 48)

Original Commentary

"A fiscal report of my personal life" would be a good title for YSIF book 4. Sorry. It's been a long day and this is the twelfth piece of commentary I've written today - Terrence

Modern Commentary
Regarding the original commentary, we only released three You Say it First books. I've got the files set up for book four; we called it "Of Friends and Coffee". I'm 95% sure that we never printed it.

Selling the books ourselves was kind of a hassle; we had tried a lot of storefront websites and didn't care for the ones available at the time. We had sent some books to Cold Cut, a comic book distributor at the time, never heard back beyond that they had received the books. I probably should have been more persistent about following up. But we never got paid and we weren't about to do more business with them after that - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.