Monday, March 14th 2005 - [244]Avoidance Issues (1 of 6)
Original Commentary
I keep seeing this dream I had last night in today's comic. The dream had nothing to do with what's going on and nothing from the colors are the same, but I keep seeing that dream. I can't even begin to describe the dream. (I was watching some sort of TV show on Hitler and Lord Voldemort's henchmen). I've been having a lot of dreams about school lately, but that's besides the point. If you can't tell we (like Kimberly) are stalling. The story will move further, hopefully by the end of the week- Isabel
Modern Commentary
Phone book! Because that was how you found new local restaurants in 2005. Your various online review sites were brand new and didn't have the level of coverage that would make them useful. Yelp had just barely been introduced and might have had enough reviews to that you could find something in San Francisco or some parts of New York City. But it would be likely to have absolutely nothing about other cities, like Hippedown.
- Terrence  Tuesday, March 15th 2005 - [245]Avoidance Issues (2 of 6)
Original Commentary
Terrence and myself were struggling a little bit with this arc... just how was she going to break the news... after some brain storming I came up with the best (and yet worst) way she can do it. But that's all you're getting out of me on this today...- Isabel Modern Commentary
So, earlier Kimberly mentioned that getting here took her almost two hours. But that was because she didn't really know how the bus system worked.
Now that she's had more than a few minutes to figure out how to get here, it's a lot faster. That first day, she probably got on the wrong bus once and had some bad luck with timing her bus transfers.
Later on, we were more consistent about the two business locations being close to each other, and how long it took to get there. For now, it's more about how the storyline works. - Terrence  Wednesday, March 16th 2005 - [246]Avoidance Issues (3 of 6)
Original Commentary
It's amazing what Kimberly can do on short notice. I'm sure this isn't the first time she's done things like this, but it's the first time we've seen how she actually does it. As far as Brisbane knows, mind you, she's got the whole thing planned out - Terrence
Modern Commentary
Kimberly is being more than a little stubborn about this. We know that Brisbane wouldn't make fun of her for taking a job at the family business. He wouldn't imply that she got the job because she begged her mother for it - again.
It's not about reason. It was about pride. At first, at least. By now it's about justifying that she took this long to tell him. - Terrence  Thursday, March 17th 2005 - [247]Avoidance Issues (4 of 6)
Original Commentary
There. We now know why Kimberly has been keeping this from Brisbane, her pride. Don't have anything else to add to this... hopefully I'll have more for tomorrow's comic. -Isabel Modern Commentary
Yeah, Brisbane is a sucker for candlelit dinners.
Seriously, if you want to get through to Kimberly, you show her the numbers. If you want to get through to Brisbane, you show him how it feels.
Not much to add; the comic explains itself thoroughly enough. I don't like showing characters' thoughts when we can avoid it, but I think that's the best way to approach this situation. - Terrence  Friday, March 18th 2005 - [248]Avoidance Issues (5 of 6)
Original Commentary
Never try to pull a fast one on the guy who delivers the internal company mail. And yes, there was a time when Brisbane would've fallen for Kimberly's (in the first panel) - Terrence
Modern Commentary
I love it when a character turns out to be more clever than you expect, that when you think you've got someone fooled, they're a step ahead of you.
I don't get to do that often. That's for the best, since it loses its impact if you do it more than a few times.
But most of my characters are observant or clever or such. If Sofia or Kimberly or Nicole catches on to your secret plan, that's because they've probably got a better plan and want to stop you from breaking it.
That "My conscience had nothing to do with it" is a bit much, though.
- Terrence  Sunday, March 20th 2005 - [249]Avoidance Issues (6 of 6)
Original Commentary
First two drafts of this comic went in a very different direction, and that's all I should say about that. Kimberly's family is something that Isabel and I need to get ironed out. And yes, Kimberly sees having her boyfriend work for her mother as totally acceptable - Terrence
Modern Commentary
Yeah, Kimberly doesn't look great here. This is entirely not how she wanted the conversation to go.
These kind of emotional discussions aren't her strong point. Her usual sales tactics involve fast-talking, knowing the value of things, and sheer force of personality.
She's at a disadvantage. She put herself at a disadvantage, doing this. But she had to. This is an emotional situation. She can't just make a deal and that's the end of things. - Terrence