Monday, February 28th 2005 - [232]Working Girl (1 of 12)
grocery shopping

Original Commentary

So, the Internet withdrawal hasn't made Kimberly nicer. Just nicer to everybody besides Lola. If Kimberly wasn't distracted, she would've tried to get utilities deducted too - Terrence

Modern Commentary
So, yeah - what has Kimberly been up to since her online auctions ended? Is there internet access just gone? Is Lola still collecting the $20/month from everybody else in the apartment complex?

When she lost internet access, she was almost certainly in the middle of selling a variety of collectibles. Ones she was trying to sell, ones she had just shipped out, and maybe a few that she got paid for but hadn't sent out yet.

Free wifi was a lot rarer back then. Most places didn't offer it. A few sold internet access. Libraries probably had it, but Kimberly has a history with libraries.- Terrence

Tuesday, March 1st 2005 - [233]Working Girl (2 of 12)

Original Commentary

Is it foreshadowing? Well, do we usually do comics about junk mail? To paraphrase Chekhov, if a letter is mentioned in comic 2, you must use it by comic 6 - Terrence

Modern Commentary
I'm going to say that when she lost internet access, Kimberly spent a few days scrambling to get everything finished up and closed out properly.
With no laptop or smartphone, that probably meant she had to go to the local equivalent of Kinkos and pay a few bucks to get all the information she needed and let people know she wasn't going to be around for a while.

Kinda wish we'd showed that instead of the Everything Cake. - Terrence

Wednesday, March 2nd 2005 - [234]Working Girl (3 of 12)
job offer

Original Commentary

This is more warning than I got for a number of my interviews. For some reasons, people think you can get from one end of Los Angeles to the other in an hour. And there's a reason why the letter is written by hand. We just can't tell you for a few days - Terrence

Modern Commentary
Whatever I was implying in the original commentary about the letter being hand-written, we've forgotten it. Maybe Richard and Sinclair don't know how to print?
Why is this on the 15th? They had their Valentine's Day (February 14th) date after work, then the cake the next evening, then this is at least one morning after that. Is this a month later or did I accidentally insert two weeks of comics into Isabel's timeline? - Terrence

Thursday, March 3rd 2005 - [235]Working Girl (4 of 12)
gasp! she said @$$@!
Profanity? Here?

Original Commentary

Kimberly + Power suit = trouble. Kimberly + Bus Schedule = Even more trouble - Terrence

Modern Commentary
I'm going to say it was a day or two between when Kimberly got the letter and when she opened it. And that she was applying for a variety of jobs so it wasn't that unusual for her to be scheduled for an interview. She was expecting a phone call, probably. - Terrence

Friday, March 4th 2005 - [236]Working Girl (5 of 12)
New Character
OLD Character

Original Commentary

And if Kimberly wasn't so surprised, she'd ask how much she's getting paid. Then try to get twice as much if they're so desparate. And the background here was previously used in ND as part of the retirement home that Joy and Dr F. volunteered at - Terrence

Modern Commentary
It's Sinclair! Of "Richard and Sinclair" from Unlike Minerva. Unlike Minerva was the comic that preceeded You Say it First and where Brisbane and Kimberly were originally from.

Richard and Sinclair showed up for a week or two. Some people were, after a year of You Say it First, still asking after characters from Unlike Minerva.
Specifically, they were asking after Caleb, Peter, and Nina. Absolutely nobody was wondering what Richard and Sinclair were up to. So here they are. - Terrence

Sunday, March 6th 2005 - [237]Working Girl (6 of 12)
New Character
Old character

Original Commentary

How long have Richard and Sinclair been waiting there for another employee to show up? Well, the letter was sent out at least two days ago... - Terrence

Modern Commentary
My first thought is that I wish we had drawn out the reveal a bit more - they mention that they're working for a company that sells fragrance compounds for industrial use, and Kimberly worries about whether or not to work for a competitor to her mother's company and, eventually, Richard or Sinclair lets her know that it's not a competitor...

But then I remember that we've only mentioned what Lemon Technology does once, six months ago. Since we haven't brought it up recently or repeatedly, it's not fair to expect the audience to remember that as a plot point. - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.