Tuesday, July 20th 2004 - [64]Moving Day (17 of 17)

Modern Commentary
So the clock/radio argument isn't really resolved. Brisbane is a brave man bringing it up again. He might do better the second time around, but I doubt it.
Glad Kimberly didn't take the bait on that.
I wrote the beginning of this story, Isabel wrote the ending and I'm not sure where we switched off in the middle. The comic could be very collaborative that way. Isabel would come up with a basic plot and I'd write something related but different. Or we'd suggest gags for each other or fill in a few comics. - Terrence

Thursday, July 22nd 2004 - [65]A day in the life of... (1 of 5)

Original Commentary
It's just another day with the industrious Brisbane and Kimberly...it was neat writing the contrasts of their days and seeing how they reacted.

Modern Commentary
And Brisbane has his tie! That's the main sign whether you're looking at UM!Brisbane or YSIF!Brisbane. I suppose for Kimberly, it's the business suit, but that's not quite the same.
The characters know everything that is said in this comic. They're new jobs but Brisbane and Kimberly know where they're going in the morning. With online comics, everything is available in the archives. You can always look up what happened. But it's polite to recap a little. Helps the readers since it was six weeks real-life weeks since Brisbane got that job. We don't want to make people feel like they need to re-read things to get what's going on.
The more I look at it, the worse that font looks.

Edit: So, I'm changing the font on the comics. This is the new font. You'll just have to trust me. - Terrence

Saturday, July 24th 2004 - [66]A day in the life of... (2 of 5)
Transportation Woes

Original Commentary
If you can't tell, Brisbane is on a public bus. I suppose missing his stop kind of gave that one away. I'd be more worried if a complete stranger started talking to Brisbane the way Emily is talking to Kimberly there on the bus.

Modern Commentary
Hippedown (the city) is meant to be the kind of place you can get by without a car. Which is good, since Brisbane doesn't have a car. Doesn't mean it's always fast or nice to commute, but it's possible. -

It's funny; two months from now, Emily's allegedly dating a guy from work. Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.