Tuesday, April 6th 2004 - [23]Fixer-upper (1 of 12)
Corn Bits

Modern Commentary
Officially, that's been in every lease I've signed. I've never had a landlord actually care about that unless they have a reason to care. It's one of the many tools they have to deal with problem situations.
Back in the day, hotels used to have hotel detectives to make sure that people weren't sneaking partners into their rooms or such. That hasn't been a thing in my lifetime and I'm older than Kimberly.
But, y'know, Kimberly's life has been thrown into a tumult and it's best to avoid trouble where you can.
Also: Corn bits.- Terrence

Thursday, April 8th 2004 - [24]Fixer-upper (2 of 12)
New Character

Modern Commentary
And it's Lola, the landlady! Quick, Brisbane! Hide!
So, just last comic we introduced that we needed to make sure she doesn't see Brisbane. Then, immediately afterwards, she shows up. Is it a bit coincidental? Yes. But you're allowed to use coincidences to start problems. And the alternative is we start here with Brisbane being pushed into a closet and, hopefully, explain why later. - Terrence

Saturday, April 10th 2004 - [25]Fixer-upper (3 of 12)

Original Commentary
In the original script, it was "from four until late", but I couldn't justify the Cream reference.

Modern Commentary
One of the things, back then, is that I was enamored with references. Not so much that there were specific things that I liked that I wanted to shout out to. I just really liked the idea of being dense with references, and the right people would see it and feel that tingle of familiarity, that sense of cleverness and shared understanding.
Except I lacked the focus to target that towards a specific audience. Or have any thematic ties between the work itself and the bits it was referencing. If I let it get out of hand, it'd just be references all the way down, just loosely clanking against each other. So fortunately, I cut that line but still felt that I had to mention it in commentary. - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.