Monday, November 13th 2006 - [722]Moving Sofia (7 of 12)
Original Commentary
I added Brisbane's "Gah" last minute because when you're startled by the lounge guys, how can you help but scream? - Isabel
Modern Commentary
Same moving company. Different guys. The first team of guys aren't returning her calls - Terrence  Tuesday, November 14th 2006 - [723]Moving Sofia (8 of 12)
Original Commentary
Look at old Brisbane getting his brotherly instincts in! It definitely has been heightened since he had a spine put in.
Terrence and I keep laughing over the "hot mom" line... actually, we don't exactly know what Brisbane's mother actually looks like, but I get the feeling she isn't "hot". Not in comparison to Sofia, at the least. -Isabel Modern Commentary
Brisbane's mom never did show up...
It looks like the Lounge Guys actually did back off. They were in the background of the wedding but otherwise didn't have any other scenes with Sofia.
As importantly, Sofia avoided them because they're kinda weird. - Terrence  Wednesday, November 15th 2006 - [724]Moving Sofia (9 of 12)
Original Commentary
Brisbane gives the understatement of the week in that middle panel (I would say of the century, but after all it is only the Lounge Guys). I really wish there was more to this comic... hmm... a few weeks ago Terrence over-wrote my color chart and had to use a back-up... only problem was, our back-up was very out of date (the Lounge Guys and Brent were not on it... and a few others, but Terrence added those in quickly). This was all fun and dandy until this arc, where all those character were in it... Terrence added the Lounge Guys back in (but you may have noticed the rabbit LG is now much lighter than he was in pervious comics.... that's because Terrence went with his colors from an older comic... before he started getting more sun :P). Today I finally added Brent back in. David, Emily's boyfriend, is still left out. Poor Guy. -Isabel
Modern Commentary
I kinda wish we had shown more of the moving process. The planning, the unpacking, what space Sofia is allowed to put her stuff in, what stuff Sofia is allowed to use. Instead of a week about Lounge Guys being creepy - Terrence  Thursday, November 16th 2006 - [725]Moving Sofia (10 of 12)
Original Commentary
Yes, she said "After Brent and I unpack". She's not turning into a crazy pet lady. Brent will probably do most of the work. Or at least he'll bite the box Brisbane was carrying a couple times - Terrence Modern Commentary
Kimberly is being purposefully elsewhere. It's going to take a while for her to bring those bagels back. Might make a few stops on the way there, eat her own bagel, and make a few more stops on the way back.
Kimberly doesn't want Sofia to move in and knows she'd start an argument if she were around.
I like that line "after Brent and I unpack". But if anyone can get a brant to do useful work, it's Sofia - Terrence  Friday, November 17th 2006 - [726]Moving Sofia (11 of 12)
Original Commentary
The phrase "Where's your sister?" always reminds me of a recording of "Indian Love Call" from The Ernie Kovacs Show, for reasons that are too obscure to properly explain here. All I can say without giving too much away - Terrence
Modern Commentary
In the last panel, Sofia is holding a scratching post, which she was in the middle of setting up.
Not much to add here. It's pretty much just a transitional comic- Terrence  Sunday, November 19th 2006 - [727]Moving Sofia (12 of 12)
Original Commentary
Lola is still a very spunky woman. We've seen this in the past. Of course, we've never seen her spirited by romantic feelings. Or, at least the twisted need for attention from three creepy guys. I had originally not intended for Sofia to become Lola's unwilling adversary for the lounge guys' affections. Quite frankly, she doesn't even remember the lounge guys when she sees them. I'm sure even after meeting them three or four times she wouldn't remember them. I think that works very well. Originally, I hadn't intended for Sofia to move in with them, but Brisbane managed to persuade all three of us. However, much like Kimberly and Sofia I'm still not convinced that this is a permanent solution for Sofia's housing matters and she may be moving out soon - Isabel Modern Commentary
We had a comic where Sofia and Lola's son catch each other's eye for a moment, a year later.
I liked that moment and wish we had done more with that. - Terrence