Monday, November 6th 2006 - [716]Moving Sofia (1 of 12) Recommended Reading: Sofia
Original Commentary
Yes, she probably has things that'd cost more to replace than the apartment is worth. I'm sure they'd be expensive to buy, but wouldn't sell for much at all. But no, if she were a woman of great forethought, she wouldn't've spent the last year living where she did - Terrence
Modern Commentary
The question "Would Sofia hire a moving company with no destination in mind?" isn't an interesting one. The real question is "Sofia has already hired a moving company. She does not have anywhere to go. Why has she done this?"
I wish we had spent more time showing how she got where she is. The place is a dump. The landlord is a creep. After serving her time here, the lease is up and she finally - FINALLY - gets to leave. And her first priorty is getting the hell out. The details are for later.
You can take a character anywhere. You just need to show how they got there. But it's been about a year since Brisbane moved into that place and some of our other stories have run long. - Terrence  Tuesday, November 7th 2006 - [717]Moving Sofia (2 of 12)
Original Commentary
Is Sofia that stupid? The real question is, Is Sofia that self-centered (to which the answer is yes). It's not her fault if the movers were dumb enough to start moving her stuff without her having a new place to move it to.
Originally, in the last panel, Kimberly was going to be facing the audience slightly, but it was such a bizarre angle that I was unable to pull it off (or rather, was not happy with what I drew). The original is a pure mess... I'm glad I ink my own work, comics like this would only be understood by the person who put the lines down originally XD. -Isabel Modern Commentary
Yeah, this comic kinda recaps what I said in the previous commentary. I still wish we had shown more of a build to this.
Can't focus everywhere at once, though- Terrence  Wednesday, November 8th 2006 - [718]Moving Sofia (3 of 12)
Original Commentary
When I was drawing this, I noticed something wrong with the first panel. Kimberly was on Brisbane's left. And on Brisbane's right. After spending a moment looking at it, I realized that one of them was supposed to be Sofia and redrew her - Isabel
Modern Commentary
"Now I can move on with that phase of your life", she says. By which she means "You leased the worst apartment in the country as part of a long chain of bad decisions. I got stuck living there for several months to bail you out. Now I need to go somewhere else and you kinda owe me" - Terrence  Thursday, November 9th 2006 - [719]Moving Sofia (4 of 12)
Original Commentary
Originally, I was going to have Kimberly and Sofia waving at Brisbane, but even he'd get it after a panel or two. I'm sure they agree with each other on this issue - Isabel Modern Commentary
Kimberly and Sofia are both trying to frantically signal to Brisbane that this is a really, really bad idea. They can't just say that they absolutely cannot get along, but they both know it to be true, where Brisbane sees the best in everyone.
I don't think I should have had them try to give Brisbane hand signals without a clear idea of what those signals looked like, though. As always, Isabel did her best with the stage directions I gave - Terrence  Friday, November 10th 2006 - [720]Moving Sofia (5 of 12)
Original Commentary
When I envisioned this comic, I saw Kimberly and Sofia having that third panel conversation while next to each other (silently). Unfortunately, the last comic did not lean toward that, so instead we have a slightly insulted, definitely confused, Brisbane. Poor guy, a victim of seating. -Isabel
Modern Commentary
I mean, Brisbane is right. Sofia didn't plan ahead and everyone would benefit from taking a while to save money and do some research.
Sofia's going to get complacent and not do any of that, but Brisbane is still right...
- Terrence  Sunday, November 12th 2006 - [721]Moving Sofia (6 of 12)
Original Commentary
This is the first time we've seen the lounge's door have a sign. I think this is the first time we've seen the lounge have a door, actually. But, well, the guys need someting to lean out of - Terrence Modern Commentary
Same moving company. Different guys. The first team of guys aren't returning her calls - Terrence