Monday, September 12th 2005 - [400]Kimberly's bad week (25 of 36)
Original Commentary
Our veterinarian doesn't tell jokes. It's probably for the best. Most people who can't tell jokes are unaware of it. This guy is the exception. He knows he can't tell jokes. He just enjoys inflicting them on people. Mind you, most occupational jokes aren't much better. And Brisbane isn't a well-trained vaudevillian, so he wouldn't've been able to come up with a better response than "Oh, really?" or "At the wrist?". Maybe if you gave him a few hours to work something out... - Terrence
Modern Commentary
So, yeah. We've got a new character. He tells jokes badly, but in a different way than our other characters who tell jokes badly.
It's the next day - you can tell because Brisbane is wearing a different shirt. They dropped the brant off at the vet office and the doctor looked at him the next morning.
- Terrence
 Tuesday, September 13th 2005 - [401]Kimberly's bad week (26 of 36)
Original Commentary
The vet would get along very well with Richard and Sinclair. I really like the oh-so-serious delivery in the second panel. And Isabel spent a lot of time on the cages in the background Modern Commentary
I'm sorry, but "The only bills I joke about are on ducks" is one of my favorite lines.
I'm not sure what Kimberly was expecting. You can't just take a stray animal into a vet, then skip out on paying because it doesn't belong to you. In her defense, she's never had a pet before and isn't sure about how this works. Still, though...- Terrence
 Wednesday, September 14th 2005 - [402]Kimberly's bad week (27 of 36)
Original Commentary
When I drew this comic, I had originally envisioned this whole scene happening in front of the vet's office. Unfortunately due to time constraints, I didn't have time to make a background for it. I told Terrence to use any background for it from the pre-made backgrounds we already have. Unfortunately, we had a communication problem and when I told him the comic for the 15th was at the house, he thought I meant both comics were set indoors there. This works, though - Isabel Modern Commentary
That miscommunication about what background to use in this comic was a little consequential. If this were at the vet office, then it might look like they were trying to decide if they should keep Brent.
As it is, they've already taken him home. They can't just set him loose in the apartment's lounge. He'll kick the Lounge Guys out.- Terrence
 Thursday, September 15th 2005 - [403]Kimberly's bad week (28 of 36)
Original Commentary
Isabel wrote this one. She has killed a few goldfish when she was younger - in her defense, they were carnival prizes, and those things aren't really designed for longevity. Really, as long as they last until you leave the carnival, that's all that's important to the average carney. She's nervous about pets and yes, I have had to check to make sure our kitten was breathing a few times - Terrence
Modern Commentary
I'm glad they didn't have the "You can keep him, but he's your responsibility" discussion. That never works out.
- Terrence
 Friday, September 16th 2005 - [404]Kimberly's bad week (29 of 36)
Original Commentary
As some of you may know, I've been a bit sick as of late, which has been causing me to sleep a lot more lately. This morning I had this long odd dream, but the only relevant part was a part where Buttons (which is what we named our little kitten, FYI) turned into a vampire- but not a normal vampire- but one that would bite shoes. Of course, Buttons like to bite more than shoes- although they are one of his favorite- he also loves to bite people's hands- my hands in particular. I have gotten quite a few scars on my hand thanks to the little guy.
So what does this have to do with the comic? Pets like to bite the hands that feed them, and the hands that feed them can't help but want to cuddle with them because there so cuddly- bites and all. Brisbane and his hands are no exception. -Isabel Modern Commentary
Yeah, after shots our cats usually spend the rest of the day sleeping it off. Of course, they sleep most of the day anyways, so it's a subtle difference.
Also, we don't hold our cats like this (and, according to the tags, you shouldn't either) - Terrence
 Sunday, September 18th 2005 - [405]Kimberly's bad week (30 of 36)
Original Commentary
Our cat doesn't do this. He sleeps next to us occasionally, but attacks us when we move. So we're nervously half-asleep and trying not to - Terrence Modern Commentary
Family portrait!
Not sure there was a story behind us doing a one-panel comic. The Namir Deiter for the same day was four panels. I think it just worked out like this.
It's nice to just sit back and be for a moment sometimes.
- Terrence