Monday, April 4th 2005 - [262]Something about Lola (1 of 6)
Original Commentary
I ended up digitally redrawing Kimberly' hips in the first panel because it looked like Brisbane's flat hips. If you can't tell, this is an arc about Lola and a little about her backstory. Hopefully this will be the start of backstory for the minor characters and - even more hopefully - the major characters - Isabel
Modern Commentary
The Lounge Guys wouldn't take a package out of malice or greed. But they might put it somewhere to keep it safe and then forget where they put it... - Terrence  Tuesday, April 5th 2005 - [263]Something about Lola (2 of 6)
Original Commentary
Things of note: the boys are (from left to right) a cat, a wolf and a dog. Lola, I believe, is a mouse... which is why Kimberly is so surprised that they are her kids... more on this tomorrow! Cyrus is the one in the middle. -Isabel Modern Commentary
"Hippedown" is the name of the nation, the island it is on, and its capital city. I'm torn between embarassment as it's a little silly and embracing it because it's been around so long.
I remind myself that a lot of place names are a little silly and just seem normal because they've always been like that.- Terrence  Wednesday, April 6th 2005 - [264]Something about Lola (3 of 6)
Original Commentary
Notice the three guys in the background in the second panel? You can't really see the middle guy because of the second panel, but trust me, he's there - Terrence
Modern Commentary
Wrestling isn't fake.
It's fixed. When a 250-pound guy jumps off the top rope at you, that's an important distinction. The guys in the ring are all cooperating to do it safely, but it all happens.
So winning a tournament doesn't mean he's necessarily the best fighter but it does mean that he's reliable and convincing enough to get the top spot, which is also good. - Terrence  Thursday, April 7th 2005 - [265]Something about Lola (4 of 6)
Original Commentary
Again, check the dudes in the background - and the wolf whistle. Isabel is writing out Lola's background and is doing a great job on it. I'm working on background for a certain main character - Terrence Modern Commentary
Why are we getting Lola's backstory before Kimberly's or Brisbane's? In part because we can write it without worrying much how it would affect other plans.
Kimberly's backstory is load-bearing. It's what the comic is about - that and Brisbane and Kimberly's relationship. We were still working it out and needed to be careful about what we put there. - Terrence  Friday, April 8th 2005 - [266]Something about Lola (5 of 6)
Original Commentary
More backstory. Yes, Lola is the maternal-but-tough type. That kid in the middle panel who's applying the arm lock is Cyrus - Terrence
Modern Commentary
We kinda always meant for Lola's kids to show up in the comic. Her son Jerry showed up for two comics. We just never found a place for them.
Jerry is the one in the middle panel who's in the chickenwing.
- Terrence  Sunday, April 10th 2005 - [267]Something about Lola (6 of 6)
Original Commentary
Yes, it's leading to something. Brisbane and Kimberly's pasts are fairly interesting. We've seen a little of Kimberly's past in Unlike Minerva - there was a flashback to when she was in high school. There are a lot of empty spaces that need to get filled in - Terrence Modern Commentary
Stuff happens offscreen; one of our guiding principles is that life keeps moving for secondary characters, even when we don't see them.
This all happened years before we started watching wrestling. Probably would have chosen a different move, like a suplex or a hip toss nowadays. Piledrivers require a lot of strength to be performed safely and you can break someone's neck if things go wrong. For the last several years, they've been banned in WWE, with the only exceptions being Kane and The Undertaker, who were grandfathered in on account of performing them safely for over a decade.- Terrence