Monday, August 13th 2007 - [929]The new guy (18 of 35)

Original Commentary

So, what exactly did Mr. Taylor do? Accounting and finance. I'm trying to gloss past the exact details here because I don't entirely understand what it high-scale corporate finance involves. I'm sure it'd be entirely too complex for me to describe properly even if I did understand it. Dan's line in the first panel paraphrases Teddy Roosevelt's comments about his daughter, Alice - Terrence

Modern Commentary
Of course Brisbane would trust Mr. Taylor. Brisbane is a very trusting guy.

Dan gets along with Mr. Taylor, but Dan wouldn't buy in to one of his business deals - Terrence

Tuesday, August 14th 2007 - [930]The new guy (19 of 35)

Original Commentary

I'm feeling quite exhausted and out of it... we had to wake up very early to get the kitten from the emergency vet... Terrence went back to sleep, I didn't... so honestly I'm surprised I got comics done at all... but basically I had thought that the first panel was supposed to have been Grandpa Taylor... till I re-read the script and noticed that it was supposed to be Mr. Taylor... Jr. But, considering that Mr. Taylor and his dad both have the same coloring (and are rabbits) it worked out... thank goodness. -Isabel

Modern Commentary
Mr. Taylor had schemes. Dude is a schemer. - Terrence

Wednesday, August 15th 2007 - [931]The new guy (20 of 35)
Business Models

Original Commentary

Sorry for the lack of flash back... I really could not do one from the conversation in the first panel (for later plot elements) and none of the other panels conversation sparked anything with me... so we have a lovely little talking head comic. Oh well. -Isabel

Modern Commentary
Finally, a part of the story that Dan doesn't know about!

And not just because this part of the story gets complicated and entirely outside of what I'd like to research.

Seriously, dude couldn't have been a truck driver back then if he was around to get all the gossip. - Terrence

Thursday, August 16th 2007 - [932]The new guy (21 of 35)
Mr. Taylor

Original Commentary

A few days ago I asked Terrence if he could write me a couple comics so I can get a little ahead... at first he says he'd have two to me by the end of the day. At the end of the day I manage to squeak one comic out of him. Fortunately he was able to get me two comics yesterday, so now I can ever so slightly get ahead, which is wonderful (and, no, we're not going with the "Terrence's arc will only air when he has the entire arc written out" because I'm an idiot). -Isabel

Modern Commentary
He could have stopped when he was ahead. Except he can't stop when he's ahead.

That's the tragedy of Mr. Taylor. It's not exactly greed or hubris. He's just constitutionally incapable of cashing out; there's always a slightly bigger score just outside his grasp - Terrence

Friday, August 17th 2007 - [933]The new guy (22 of 35)
Mr. Taylor

Original Commentary

Terrence and I have very different opinions about just who Patrick is, is going to be and how he will interact with the people around... we have a very similar problem with Jane. I think this happens more with characters that are new and don't have any pre-history to who they were before they were in the comic and don't have much personality off the bat. Then again, we are still having this problem with Emily and she's about 3 or 4 years old... hmm... -Isabel

Modern Commentary
He could have talked to the investors first, before he spent all his money. But he thought he could get away with it. Unfortunately, most of the investors stand to make more by dismantling Mr. Taylor's tenuous new empire before it starts

As far as the original commentary, Jane ended up being a lot closer to Isabel's ideas than mine and that's a good thing.

I'm not entirely sure what our conflicting plans were for Patrick; hopefully the details will return to me - Terrence

Sunday, August 19th 2007 - [934]The new guy (23 of 35)
Mr. Taylor
Little Kimberly

Original Commentary

So, is the story entirely true? More or less. Dan isn't entirely sure about the high-level financial dealings (hooray for unreliable narrators - that saves me a whole lot of unnecessary research).

Why did Mr. and Mrs. Taylor get divorced? Kimberly mentioned her mother sleeping with the pool boy, a long while back. I see no reason why there couldn't've been multiple factors. They're both interestingly flawed people. Mind you, Kimberly also mentions that the divorce happened ten years ago. I may as well just admit it - I forgot about that, and all of my timelines say that it happened fifteen years ago. Isabel hates it when I change facts in strips that've been published in book form, though, so I'm not just going to go 'correct' it. But let's just say that Kimberly was rounding. Or remembering things wrong. - Terrence

Modern Commentary
I had remembered there being less time between Mr. Taylor building a new office tower and when he really went all in.

But it was thematically important that he overcome the first setbacks; it wasn't bad luck that did Mr. Taylor in. It was his own nature - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.