Monday, December 4th 2006 - [740]Medicinal Purposes (7 of 12)
Original Commentary
The first draft did not mention the animal shelter. This was added after the arc was written as a way to show that Sofia knew the doctor beyond the story arc where those two meet and that she wasn't just interested in him for physical reasons. This makes her sound like she's been thinking about him and making a move on him for some time and actually has some kind of plan together. -Isabel
Modern Commentary
She thought they had a connection. Honestly, this conversation should have been her first hint that he wasn't that into her.
- Terrence  Tuesday, December 5th 2006 - [741]Medicinal Purposes (8 of 12)
Original Commentary
I actually ended up adding the "not attracted to me" line last minute since before that it looks like she was just assuming he was attracted to her without even asking him. It would have made her look a bit cocky otherwise.-Isabel Modern Commentary
Brent's expression in that first panel is "hopeful". Because every time Sofia wants to "coincidentally" meet Dr. Paul, Brent gets an exam - Terrence  Wednesday, December 6th 2006 - [742]Medicinal Purposes (9 of 12)
Original Commentary
Both Terrence and I both really love the look on Brent's face in that last panel. You get the feeling he knows allot more about the world around him than he lets on. -Isabel
Modern Commentary
Dr. Paul is at least honest here. There are a lot of folks in Sofia's past who would've taken her up on her offer of the date just to see where the night might go.
- Terrence  Thursday, December 7th 2006 - [743]Medicinal Purposes (10 of 12)
Original Commentary
Those flowers and bottles should look familiar to any of you who spend time in Martini Tuesdays or Dorpe Flowers Plus. No point redrawing liquor bottles - they probably get the same brand from the same distributor - Terrence Modern Commentary
Sofia, why are you doing this to yourself?
- Terrence  Friday, December 8th 2006 - [744]Medicinal Purposes (11 of 12)
Original Commentary
I don't think Dr. Paul knows how truly uninteresting Sofia's life has become...Anyhow, he's not so much "fancied up" as "wearing the spare t-shirt and jeans he keeps around in case an animal gets sick on him" -Terrence
Modern Commentary
How old is Dr. Paul? I'm not really sure. I'd guess mid thirties. He's not quite twice Sofia's age but he's close.
He's not wrong. She might like the idea of a stable guy with a good job who loves animals, but I don't think she'd really like the reality of life with Dr. Paul
- Terrence  Sunday, December 10th 2006 - [745]Medicinal Purposes (12 of 12)
Original Commentary
I had considered changing "Denver Omelette" so something fancier, but after considering the fact that she'd be cooking with whatever Dr. Paul had on hand, and Sofia's current line of work , it made more sense than, say, Crepes Suzette.-Terrence
In the first draft, Dr. Paul was to have taken up Sofia's offer on... breakfast. But after half a week had past and a few conversations with Terrence, we decided that while Sofia was that kind of girl, Dr. Paul was not (not a girl, definitely). A few revisions were made to this comic to reflect this, thus giving Dr. Paul all the power. Sofia must really like him to stay even after that. -Isabel Modern Commentary
I wonder, at this point, do folks want Sofia and Dr. Paul to get together? This seems like a firm but gentle no from him. It's easy to cheer for folks who want to be together but are separated by circumstances. But they aren't. He's just not that into her.
- Terrence