Tuesday, November 21st 2006 - [729]Party Line (2 of 6)

Original Commentary

Ok, it's kind of an old joke. But given the Halloween party that Brisbane and Kimberly threw, it's a valid point. The original draft included the line "I wore a bone in my hair for you!", but that seemed a bit much - Terrence

Modern Commentary
I like this comic.

Jane does like Brisbane and Kimberly well enough. But their party sucked. And if Robert and Jane only go to Robert's friends' parties, that's not really fair.

But on the other hand, Robert is kinda bad at parties and will have a worse time there than Jane did at Brisbane's - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.