Monday, July 4th 2005 - [340]Coffee Break (1 of 17)

Original Commentary

The original plan was for us to do a week-long arc about the various couples in the comic getting coffee. I couldn't get it to work right so I'm going into this; there's a lot more to Robert and Jane than was previously shown. This arc will show all that. Not much more I can say today; this is all lead-in - Terrence

Modern Commentary
Man, that ad was everywhere 20 years ago. Styled to look like an error message. And the trick to get your computer running at full speed again was to give them forty bucks or so.

Or, rather, to give them your credit card info and hope they stopped taking money after $40.

I kinda wish I had a screenshot of it, just to provide context. Can't find it anywhere. Glad that it's gone though. That's an unfair trick and it looks like today's advertisers have switched to clickbait instead. - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.