Monday, June 27th 2005 - [334]Baked Goods (1 of 6)

Original Commentary

Back in February, Kimberly implied she'd surprise Brisbane with something next month. Well, if she did it in March like she said, it wouldn't've been much of a surprise. And yes, she has to get to work (and get dressed and all that) in 15 minutes, as of the last panel - Terrence

Modern Commentary
This is why you read all the directions and gather the ingredients before you start. "Mise en place" is the French term for it. Y'know, make sure there's not a "chill overnight" in the recipe for tonight's dinner, make sure the tomatoes haven't gone off, and that someone else didn't eat all the cheese as a midnight snack.

Just the other week, I was cooking and found out - mid-cook - that my breadcrumbs were a few years out of date. Ended up having to make toast and slice it up really quickly and it worked out well enough, but it was a near thing.

This is the first time we see cooking fail due to lack of planning. That's going to be a recurring thing here, for Brisbane, Kimberly, and us. - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.