Wednesday, June 8th 2005 - [318]Old Photographs (3 of 18)
Kimberly's Journal

Original Commentary

There was quite a bit of rewriting/ last minute rewriting in today's comic. originally I wrote out the entire arc, but then Terrence went in and changed a few things- including today's comic. originally the item Kimberly was selling and the item she was swindling with were left blank and the swindling price was $10. I ended up adding them later, keeping in mind that Kimberly was still in High School at the time (so no bar tending for her). originally the script called for Brisbane calling Kimberly a "Marketing Prodigy" but after considering the fact that what she was doing wasn't legit- I changed this. - Isabel

Modern Commentary
That date is about a year before Unlike Minerva started.

The punchline was originally "Amazing how things stay the same", which seems punchier.

Brisbane has entirely forgotten about the colander at this point. Kimberly said she'd tell Brisbane about her past, but she wasn't about to do that on her own any time soon.- Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.