Monday, June 6th 2005 - [316]Old Photographs (1 of 18)
Original Commentary
Kimberly last had these pictures up back in Unlike Minerva and quickly changed the subject. They went to bed. The next morning, the pictures were gone. Kimberly doesn't like talking about her past, which is why Brisbane didn't press the issue. And sneaks around like this instead - Terrence
Modern Commentary
Spoiler alert, but Brisbane never does find that colander. I'm not sure Kimberly actually has a colander. They're kind of a secondary or tertiary tier kitchen implement. These are things that were packed up before they moved.
A colander seems like a "Brisbane talked her into buying it" sort of puchase rather than something that early-comic Kimberly would get on her own. - Terrence  Tuesday, June 7th 2005 - [317]Old Photographs (2 of 18)
Original Commentary
The wedding picture is meant to look the oldest. Baby Kimberly is shot in that strawberry tone that was popular when I was a kid. And the third one - the bottom one in the first panel - is the one that Brisbane is looking at in the second panel. It says "Kimberly, age 15" on the back - Terrence Modern Commentary
First appearance of Mr. Taylor!
Kimberly is indeed an only child. No siblings, step-siblings, or half-siblings. We kept the option open here. I don't think we had ever seriously considered it, at least not for more than five minutes.
I might have been a bit hesitant to entirely rule it out at this point, though.- Terrence  Wednesday, June 8th 2005 - [318]Old Photographs (3 of 18)
Original Commentary
There was quite a bit of rewriting/ last minute rewriting in today's comic. originally I wrote out the entire arc, but then Terrence went in and changed a few things- including today's comic. originally the item Kimberly was selling and the item she was swindling with were left blank and the swindling price was $10. I ended up adding them later, keeping in mind that Kimberly was still in High School at the time (so no bar tending for her). originally the script called for Brisbane calling Kimberly a "Marketing Prodigy" but after considering the fact that what she was doing wasn't legit- I changed this. - Isabel
Modern Commentary
That date is about a year before Unlike Minerva started.
The punchline was originally "Amazing how things stay the same", which seems punchier.
Brisbane has entirely forgotten about the colander at this point. Kimberly said she'd tell Brisbane about her past, but she wasn't about to do that on her own any time soon.- Terrence  Thursday, June 9th 2005 - [319]Old Photographs (4 of 18)
Original Commentary
So where is Brisbane now? The apartment has a very large walk-in closet (that could easily be converted into a child's room and probably was at some time since there's a window in there) that's just a bit smaller than their kitchen. Brisbane and Kimberly need more stuff (for Kimberly to sell and for them to have, if you think about it. So why doesn't Kimberly like mentioning her past- even after Brisbane spilled his own guts to her? The bare bones of it is that, like Brisbane, she's afraid of what he's going to say or think of her... of course there's more to it than that- but the comics only in it's second year... -Isabel Modern Commentary
We never made a floor plan for their apartment because nobody reads comics for the consistent floor plans.
Anyhow, should we blame Brisbane for reading further? On one hand, that's not cool. On the other hand, if Kimberly wanted to keep those things in a private location, she could have done so.
I can't be too mad about Brisbane reading about Kimberly's backstory because here we are doing the same thing.- Terrence  Friday, June 10th 2005 - [320]Old Photographs (5 of 18)
Original Commentary
Kimberly's high school colors are based on Isabel's, which is cute considering that Tipper's are based on mine. And why isn't Kimberly in college right now? We'll get into that in the near future, I hope. Her father is in investment and had to use Kimberly's college fund to prevent something important from falling through. He fully intends to get it back and send her to college in the immediate future. He didn't and Kimberly wasn't terribly surprised - Terrence
Modern Commentary
Physical bank book! Because online banking was just barely a thing back then. These days, I can do most of my bank stuff on my smartphone. It's amazing what can change in 24 years.
This is the beginning of the rift between Kimberly and Emily. Emily isn't wasting any time with summer break and is straight off to college. Probably get a few classes handled, get used to being on her own.- Terrence  Sunday, June 12th 2005 - [321]Old Photographs (6 of 18)
Original Commentary
Terrence says the Kimberly in the third panel reminds him of the Kimberly from 'Unlike Minerva'. Personally she reminds me of 2002 Joy. I should just say, for the record, that the two are not related, nor will they ever be. That would be just strange. Just to make sure I got it across, in the fourth panel Kimberly is throwing away Emily's letter... not sure if that got across properly. -Isabel Modern Commentary
I don't think we had firmly decided at the time, but upon reflection it's obvious that Kimberly was set up to fail. She probably could've lived a bit cheaper, maybe eaten less fast food, or stayed in more. But still, the math wouldn't work and she never really had a chance.
That's kind of how Mr. Taylor works. There are a lot of very optimistic projections and assumptions. As long as it all works out, it'll pay off and he'll be rich. But it never quite does.
He's too willing to bet on long shots and ignore how much this hurts everybody else. - Terrence