Sunday, January 9th 2005 - [189]Kimberly's new old hat (12 of 12)
Temporarily Alone

Original Commentary
The internet can be a very bad place, especially for those of us who work in it- it's really a 24/7 job and one feels guilty if you're not always working or thinking about work. I'm sure Kimberly feels the same way right now... I'm sure that doesn't make Brisbane feel any better about having to eat alone. -Isabel

Modern Commentary
Most of Kimberly's old inventory is stuff that's less collectible. Toy prototypes can be fun, but prototype garden hoses don't have the same cachet.

That line about "old contacts"? We didn't have anything specific planned for that. I had a vague ideas about her getting back in touch with an ex-boyfriend and Brisbane being uneasy about that. I liked the idea of him being vaguely dangerous in a connected-to-the-underworld kind of way but also being a sheep. I felt that made a nice contrast. But I never had the occasion to bring him up. I don't think I mentioned him to Isabel and he never even got a sketch.
I'm going to say not canon. -Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.