Monday, December 27th 2004 - [178]Kimberly's new old hat (1 of 12)
lost job
Italian TV program
not the shark
Translation: No not the shark

Original Commentary
I think Kimberly is watching something in Italian, but truth be told I'm not sure... it could be Spanish for all I know- and I'm sure Kimberly doesn't really care either way. -Isabel

Modern Commentary
"No, non lo squalo!" is Italian for "No, not the shark!".
Kimberly doesn't understand Italian, but she does understand shark movies. You don't watch that movie for the dialogue. You watch it for the shark.

I'm not sure how we got that translated. Google Translate didn't launch until 2006. I don't think we know anybody who speaks Italian. If you helped us translate this and we forgot, then we apologize. Might have used Babelfish, which was around back then but isn't any more; it was a lot like Google Translate except perhaps less so.- Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.