Tuesday, April 20th 2004 - [28]Fixer-upper (6 of 12)
Modern Commentary
Antenna TVs! Yet another sign of a bygone era.
Anyhow, here's Brisbane in the apartment's lounge. He finished his errands but can't go back home yet because the landlady might catch him and see that Kimberly has an unofficial guest. I'm assuming there aren't any nearby parks and he doesn't have the four bucks to buy a cup of coffee and nurse it for several hours.
Re-reading this, I ask myself "Why didn't Brisbane just stay in the apartment and not answer the door if Lola knocks?" and then I remember that back in the day, you couldn't just stay home and apply for jobs online using your smartphone - because they hadn't been invented yet.
I mean, "Because I want him to meet some weirdos in the apartment's lounge" is the real answer, but still.
- Terrence