Tuesday, March 16th 2004 - [14]The new swing of things (14 of 22)

Modern Commentary
Kimberly Taylor. Always selling.
That was her defining characteristic in Unlike Minerva. She ran The Booth at the theatre. Concessions. Playbills. Pet grooming. Spare costumes. Whatever the plot required, she had it for sale. Is it legit? Maybe. Sometimes. No refunds.
I really like how this sets her up - joking but maybe a little serious. A tentative step. That is how these things begin.
Kimberly lives in her own apartment because she's not a performer. She just sold things at the theatre. Worked out nicely for her, didn't it?- Terrence

Thursday, March 18th 2004 - [15]The new swing of things (15 of 22)

Original Commentary
Kimberly's resourceful side. Who is Emily? You'll see her in a bit. She and Kimberly were friends in high school. They hadn't seen each other in four years. Emily doesn't like Brisbane's relationship with Kimberly. Kimberly doesn't like Emily that much either.

Modern Commentary
Emily is Kimberly's old friend and Brisbane's new enemy. Also not a performer, so she stays around.
Anyhow, the job probably pays minimum wage which sucks but is better than nothing.- Terrence

Saturday, March 20th 2004 - [16]The new swing of things (16 of 22)

Original Commentary
Why indeed?

Modern Commentary
So, was Kimberly thinking of making him sleep in the bathtub? Or on the floor? Or in her bed?
Definitely not the couch. I'm not sure Kimberly actually has a couch.

I love that second panel, where they're both giving the other one a chance to say something, to make a move. But neither one of them does. Because they've got serious trust issues after Unlike Minerva and because the comic is literally called "You Say it First". - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.