Monday, October 23rd 2006 - [704]Business as Usual (19 of 24)
Mr. Taylor
Ms. Taylor

Original Commentary

Is the comic becoming "oversexed" over the past month? Eh, not really. If anything this is more like three or so years (not counting the days of Unlike Minerva because, when I write the series, I don't COUNT those years because as far as I'm concerned the sexual frustration didn't start until they moved in, but I'm getting side tracked) of action condensed into about a month. If you don't like it, nothing I can say here will change that.

That being said, the original intent of having this arc directly following Brisbane and Kimberly's arc was to show the sharp contrast between the Taylors' relationship to Brisbane and Kimberly's relationship. Brisbane and Kimberly had a meaningful... weekend of starting a new phase of their lives. The Taylors had a one night tryst. Not very romantic, I must admit, but it's something about those two the reader has to know and try to understand. -Isabel

Modern Commentary
She wants him to stay another night? Or she wants to be the one to decide if they stay together for another night - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.