Wednesday, September 13th 2006 - [677]Good Morning (5 of 12)

Original Commentary

It's funny... in order for Brisbane to show how strong he's gotten he has to show how weak he truly was. Poor guy.

I had planned on Kimberly to start crying at this stage in the third panel, but after looking over the script before inking, decided it was better to hold off on too much emotion from her right now, Brisbane still has quite a bit to say and I'm sure he's appreciate it if she wasn't knee deep in tears for it.

The stressed under eye skin remained though because it was already inked. Oops. Ah well, it makes her look really exhausted, which works for this conversation. -Isabel

Modern Commentary
And Brisbane says what I've been saying about him in the modern commentary.

I'm not exactly going in blind here, but I'm also not re-reading everything beforehand when I write these. It's been a little while since I've done a full re-read and I want to allow myself to be surprised.

That and Brisbane is a very different person at the beginning and end of the series. If I read to the end then come back to the early stuff, I'll keep expecting the more mature, competent Brisbane of the later series. - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.