Monday, March 28th 2005 - [256]Me and my TV (1 of 6)
Original Commentary
Yes, it's the three guys from the lounge. They haven't shown up much lately. They don't have names. They just sit around watching a semi-defective TV. They have mutually exclusive ideas of what's actually playing. The title, "Me and my TV", is taken from a song by Gary Sedgwick. It's a really good song; unfortunately, it's not available anywhere. Isabel came up with Super Tim. I left the guys' dialogue blank until the last minute in the hope that I could come up with something really clever. And that's the same "snap" sound our monitor made when it died a few years ago, the sound of an electrical current going where it really, really shouldn't - Terrence
Modern Commentary
I don't think the younger kids quite have the same experience. Everything is digital. Either you have the channel or you don't. You're can't really squint through the static from a poor antenna reception. You can't try to watch something through the squiggles from a scrambled cable channel.
Nowadays, you just get a black screen with a message that says "You don't get this channel" or something like that. You can stare at that for hours and you'll never mistake it for a wrestling match or quiz show.
I wouldn't say their lives are poorer for missing that experience, but it's kind of integral to the Lounge Guys' whole thing.
The song that this storyline is named after still isn't online. There are a lot of other songs by the same name, but they aren't the right one. That's what happens when you trade tapes. - Terrence