Tuesday, January 11th 2005 - [191]Needs vs. Wants (2 of 6)
Lounge Guy
Ninja Grandpa

Original Commentary
It took me an entire day to make all the backgrounds for the next set of comics, I believe there were about four in all. I was really happy with the way they came out, but unfortunately I haven't had another excuse to use them ever again... -Isabel

Modern Commentary
Brisbane wanted Kimberly to be happy. And Kimberly got what she wanted, didn't she? But at what cost?
Brisbane having to do all the housework and getting ignored, that's what cost.

I'm not sure how old that lounge guy is. Probably older than the other two. Fifties maybe? Forties, but looks old for his age? - Terrence

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.