Monday, January 10th 2005 - [190]Needs vs. Wants (1 of 6)
Original Commentary
This might shed a little light on just how deep Kimberly is into her work... as well as just why Brisbane wasn't allowed to do their laundry. -Isabel Modern Commentary
In Kimberly's defense, she's in the middle of a lot of things here. Finding out what she can about the random junk she got from her dad. Figuring out what keywords and site designs get the best results. Obsessively monitoring her many
auctions. So maybe she zones out a bit when Brisbane talks about laundry.
I'm not sure if she's been doing this for three weeks or if she stopped doing laundry before this began.- Terrence
 Tuesday, January 11th 2005 - [191]Needs vs. Wants (2 of 6)
Original Commentary
It took me an entire day to make all the backgrounds for the next set of comics, I believe there were about four in all. I was really happy with the way they came out, but unfortunately I haven't had another excuse to use them ever again... -Isabel
Modern Commentary
Brisbane wanted Kimberly to be happy. And Kimberly got what she wanted, didn't she? But at what cost?
Brisbane having to do all the housework and getting ignored, that's what cost.
I'm not sure how old that lounge guy is. Probably older than the other two. Fifties maybe? Forties, but looks old for his age?
- Terrence
 Wednesday, January 12th 2005 - [192]Needs vs. Wants (3 of 6)
Original Commentary
Kimberly really is doing the work of several people with her on-line job... I don't think Kimberly would trust anyone else to help her with the work- or would want to share the profits with anyone either. -Isabel
Modern Commentary
It's common knowledge around the place that Kimberly lost her job? Yeah, I guess Brisbane talks about their lives. There's no way they'd get that information from Kimberly. She does not want to know or be known.
This is why Kimberly is afraid that her mother will be able to get information from Brisbane, though. - Terrence
 Thursday, January 13th 2005 - [193]Needs vs. Wants (4 of 6)
Original Commentary
Brisbane is trying desperately to avoid the whole issue of sex and I'm sure if the lounge guys hadn't brought it up, neither would have Brisbane. -Isabel
Modern Commentary
I would not take relationship advice from these guys. Not even a little. - Terrence
 Friday, January 14th 2005 - [194]Needs vs. Wants (5 of 6)
Original Commentary
Baby steps... baby steps... you do not go right to the buffet right after not eating in days... but the lounge guys were to busy talking about the really cool fork you can eat with to really think about what Brisbane wants or doesn't want. Brisbane is very, very easy to influence- but all they are doing is pointing him toward the water- not actually getting him to drink it. -Isabel
Modern Commentary
If Brisbane were to suggest moving back into a one-bedroom apartment, Kimberly would be unhappy that they spend all that money, time, and effort getting into this new apartment. He'd have to at least talk her into it and it'd be an uphill battle.
Also, don't take relationship advice from people who enjoy having drama unfold around them. - Terrence
 Sunday, January 16th 2005 - [195]Needs vs. Wants (6 of 6)
Original Commentary
This is just another example of how peer pressure can cause a person to do something one doesn't really want to do- or in this case, how when a bunch of men get together to talk, dangerous ideas could happen. Fortunately, Kimberly beat him to the punch. Would Brisbane had actually asked Kimberly about the whole "sleeping in one room" issue if given the chance? Truth be told, probally not, as we'll see in later comics. -Isabel
Modern Commentary
So back in the distant past year of 2005, when you wanted to watch an older movie you had to go to a special store and pay a few bucks to borrow the movie on a VHS tape.
No video streaming. On-demand video streaming through your cable provider was in its infancy; it looks to have been available in limited areas. I'm not sure if Brisbane and Kimberly have cable. Their TV must have inputs if they can hook a VCR into it, and if they've got other utilities included in the rent, then cable is probably in there too.- Terrence