Monday, September 6th 2004 - [85]The Golden Age of Wireless (1 of 25)

Original Commentary
Personally I find the stark contrast of height between Kimberly and Lola amusing in this one... they don't call them little old ladies for nothing.

Modern Commentary
One of the main reasons why Kimberly spends time with Emily is that she's Kimberly's ride to work. Neither Brisbane nor Kimberly drive. They've never had a car. They probably don't even have a parking space at the apartment. Brisbane hasn't driven since he was sixteen. I'm not sure Kimberly ever has.
They live in a very urban area with good public transit. That's one of the ways you can tell that this isn't the USA.

In the first draft of this comic, the first two panels were:
(breakfast time. Brisbane is pouring (empty) milk onto his cereal)
Brisbane: Kimberly, did you use all the milk again?
Kimberly: Stop trying to pick an argument, Brisbane.
[Kimberly opens the door to head out]
Kimberly: You've been in a foul mood ever since -

That didn't go anywhere so we cut it to fit the what else was happening. It was a running joke how when times got tough, Brisbane and Kimberly never had enough in their fridge to make a full meal. This would've been its first appearance.

You Say it First  is © Terrence Marks and Isabel Marks, 2004-2013.
You Say it First has been on the web since February 2004 concluded in January 2013.