Tuesday, June 8th 2004 - [46]Job hunters (11 of 12)
Modern Commentary
I really like the effect of the venetian blinds here.
So she gives Kimberly the money and Brisbane the job. Because having Kimberly work for her directly is going to lead to all kinds of personal conflicts, whereas she might be able to influence Brisbane and indirectly influence Kimberly.
So a few years later when Kimberly started working at Lemon Technologies, it had to end with Kimberly taking over the company.
Also, Kimberly kinda technically has a job. Not a good one, but two jobs are better than one.
- Terrence
 Thursday, June 10th 2004 - [47]Job hunters (12 of 12)
Original Commentary
So, why did Kimberly send Brisbane off to work there instead of taking the job herself? Isn't it obvious?
Modern Commentary
It was a sign! They got married four real-life years later. (Is that a spoiler? We did a series where they're married and have kids...)
Note the kinda-bolding on "Real". I'll just say that this was an old font when this comic came out. There weren't many options in 1999 when Unlike Minerva began. There were some other options back in 2004, since we used a different font for Spare Parts. But nothing that we felt was compelling enough to switch to. I think if there were a lettering font that we liked enough, we would've used it and then agonized about whether to switch Namir Deiter over or keep it in the original font for the entirety.
Every so often, I think about re-lettering the whole thing in Mild Mannered, the font we use for Nicole and Derek. It's more readable and has proper bolding. I don't, because there are 2327 comics and I'd have to manually adjust each speech bubble since the fonts aren't the same size. But if I had the option to magically have it done without it taking hundreds of hours, I'd probably do it.
Edit: So, I'm changing the font on the comics. This is the new font. You'll just have to trust me.
- Terrence  Saturday, June 12th 2004 - [48]Moving Day (1 of 17)
Modern Commentary
Is Brisbane sleeping on the couch or the floor? Whichever is less uncomfortable that night. And neither of them is going to be comfortable.
So, is that money - Kimberly's money - going to go towards a bed for Brisbane? They haven't discussed it in-comic. He has room for one now. But I figure sleeping on a bedroom floor isn't any more comfortable than sleeping on a living room floor. - Terrence