Tuesday, March 9th 2004 - [11]The new swing of things (11 of 22)
Modern Commentary
18 years later in Southern California, I don't think you can get a single room for $400. Not sure you can get a vacant lot to pitch a tent for that amount.
- Terrence  Thursday, March 11th 2004 - [12]The new swing of things (12 of 22)
Original Commentary
Yes, Unlike Minerva is fairly technophobic at heart. And yes, this comic aired slightly after the California grocer's strike.
Modern Commentary
The first chapter of You Say it First is pulling double-duty here. It has to not only begin a new comic but finish the old one.
As I re-read Unlike Minerva's ending, 20 years on, I can't help but see things I could've done better. Things I should've planned out better. Things I could have emphasized more.
And that's good. I've learned things over the last two decades. If I seem kind of negative about it at times, that's why. It was a wild ride but it had its charms in places.
It was also a nonsensical mess in places. Usually different places, but occasionally it was both at once- Terrence  Saturday, March 13th 2004 - [13]The new swing of things (13 of 22)
Original Commentary
Yes, this happened in Unlike Minerva. By accident, kind of.
Modern Commentary
Unlike Minerva ended with Brisbane and Kimberly coming to an understanding. They realized they could be comfortable around each other. They weren't married. They weren't dating. They trusted each other a little, but just a little.
I mean, they were kinda spending all day around each other and recontextualizing that as friends instead of enemies or rivals was important.
This took them out of that comfort and their new relationship was uncertain. They were dependant on each other and had
There is no going back to how things were. The theater was torn down. The only way out is through. - Terrence